Calculus by Strauss, Bradley & Smith 3rd Edition

Calculus by Strauss, Bradley & Smith 3rd Edition


Calculus 3rd edition written by Monty. J. Strauss, Gerald. L. Bradley & Karl. J. Smith was developed to blend the best aspects of calculus reform with the reasonable goals and methodology of traditional calculus. It achieves this middle ground by providing sound development, stimulating problems, and well-developed pedagogy within a framework of a traditional structure. “Think, then do,” is a fair summary of our approach.

New to this Edition

The acceptance and response from our first two editions have been most gratifying. For the third edition, we wanted to take a good book and make it even better. If you are familiar with the previous editions, the first thing you will notice is that we have added a new coauthor, Monty J. Strauss. His added expertise, and his attention to accuracy and detail, as well as his many years of experience teaching calculus, have added a new dimension to our exposition.


• In this edition of Calculus by Monty. J. Strauss, we introduce e^x and ln(x) in Chapter 2 after we have defined the notion of a limit. This is beneficial because it allows the number e to be properly defined using limits. We also assume a knowledge of the conic sections and their graphs. A free Student Mathematics Handbook is available that provides review and reference material on these transcendental functions.
• I’Hopital’s Rule is now covered earlier in Chapter 4. This placement allows instructors to explore more interesting applications like curve sketching.
• A new section covering applications to business, economics, and the life sciences has been added to Chapter 6 on Applications of the Integral. This new material is designed to help students see how calculus relates to and is used in other disciplines.
• The chapter on polar coordinates and parametric forms has been distributed to other chapters in the book. The polar coordinate system and graphing in polar forms is in Chapter 6 in the context of the integration topic of finding areas. Parametric representation of curves now appears in the book where it is first needed, in Chapter 9.
• Modeling continues as a major theme in this edition. Modeling is now introduced in Section 3.4 and then appears in almost every section of the book. These applications are designated MODELING PROBLEMS. Some authors use the words “Modeling Problem” to refer to any applied problem. In the third edition of Calculus, we make a distinction between modeling problems and application problems by defining a modeling problem as follows. A modeling problem is a problem that requires that the reader make some assumptions about the real world in order to derive or come up
IX with the necessary mathematical formula or mathematical information to answer the question. These problems also include real-world examples of modeling by citing the source of the book or journal that shows the modeling process.

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